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FIT, Fecal occult blood, blood in stool

Immunochemical fecal occult blood test

This test helps to detect the presence of adenomatous polyps (benign tumors that are potentially precancerous) and colorectal cancer. People who should undergo a colonoscopy can thus be identified.

Large polyps and colon cancers release small amounts of blood into the intestine, but these amounts are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Screening for traces of blood in the stool using the immunochemical technique detects these very small traces of blood, with no interference from medications or food intake. Repeat tests on a regular basis (every two years), combined with follow-up colonoscopy if blood is found in the stool, can successfully prevent the onset of colorectal cancer.

It is estimated that out of every 1,000 people who take the iFOBT screening test, 36 will have a positive stool blood result (3.6%).

If these 36 people have a follow-up colonoscopy:

  • 4 will have colorectal cancer
  • 17 will have one or more polyps
  • 15 will have neither polyps nor cancer

During the colonoscopy, polyps are removed to prevent them from developing into cancer.

Biron sets itself apart

Immunochemical test for blood in stool to aid in the detection of colon cancer.

  • Results in 2 business days.
  • More sensitive test, therefore earlier cancer detection threshold.
  • Allows for faster medical care.
  • Sampling kit delivered to your home
  • Return your sample to a Canada Post office
  • Costs reimbursed by most insurers.

Term of the Week

Predictive medicine

Medicine that links medical knowledge with data to predict a patient’s potential health problems. Examples include artificial intelligence and genetics.