Medical Imaging / Radiology
The wait for an official diagnosis can seem agonizingly long. With the convenience of an ImagixTM clinic near your home or workplace, you benefit from quick radiology services to help your doctor make the best decisions.
Our 50 experts in a variety of fields of expertise integrate our values of excellence, respect, commitment and innovation into their daily practice. Our technologists and radiologists personally attend to each patient, from the first appointment to transmitting results. And their work is streamlined with a centralized file to follow patients between clinics and consultations.
Radiology (X-ray)
Imagix's 14 clinics in Québec are equipped with the latest technology. Our radiologists have an excellent reputation and our imaging and X-ray examinations — for diagnosing injuries, bone diseases, fractures, infections, degenerative diseases, cancer, etc. — are performed with a doctor’s prescription. The majority of our x-ray services are available without an appointment. They are covered 100% by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.
Since a breast X-Ray makes it possible to see small-sized lesions, it is the most effective examination to screen for breast cancer, even when there are no symptoms.
It is performed by an X-ray technologist, entails no costs, takes only a few minutes and poses no risk of trauma or injury. Most Imagix X-ray clinics are screening centres designated by the Quebec Breast Cancer Screening Program (PQDCS).
Bone density scan
A bone density scan is a safe, painless X-ray examination.
It makes it possible to measure the density of your bones and determine whether you have osteoporosis: a disease characterized by a decrease in bone mineral density. Osteoporosis can be caused by smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, low body weight or a high intake of alcohol and caffeine.
An ultrasound is a painless, effective examination. It takes images of your body: breasts, heart, liver, kidneys, fetus.
An ultrasound, also named sonography, is a painless and effective examination that uses an ultrasonic device (high-frequency sound waves) to create real-time diagnostic images of body. It can also measure the blood flow in the main veins and arteries.
Thyroid ultrasound
Breast ultrasound
Echocardiogram - Cardiac ultrasound
Abdominal Ultrasound
Pelvic ultrasound
What is an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound?
Nuchal translucency ultrasound
First-trimester obstetric ultrasound
Third-trimester obstetrical ultrasound
Testicular Ultrasound
Spinal cord ultrasound
Surface ultrasound
Doppler ultrasound
Musculoskeletal ultrasound
Pediatric ultrasound
Emergency ultrasound
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a non-invasive examination often used to obtain specific diagnostic data, makes it possible to capture clear, precise images of the human body.
During the MRI, you remain motionless from 20 to 60 minutes; the technologist, who watches and listens to you at all times, ensures your comfort and well-being.
Please note that MRI examinations aren’t covered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ).
Computed tomography (CT-Scan)
A computed tomography, or CT scan, is an X-ray examination that captures detailed images in 3D.
Imagix uses a state-of-the-art CT scanner to provide you with the highest possible diagnostic accuracy, while reducing risks and discomfort. Almost any part of your body can be observed using CT.
The images are captured very quickly to minimize the dose of radiation you absorb. If your CT scan requires a contrast agent, it is important not to eat or drink for three hours before the examination.
Sinus CT-Scan
Mastoid bones CT-Scan
Internal auditory canal CT-Scan
Face CT-Scan
Neck CT-Scan
Brain Computed Tomography (CT Scan) examination
Spine Computed Tomography examination
Abdominal, pelvic and thoracic computed tomography examination
Coronary Calcium Score Test
CT Lung Screening
Virtual colonoscopy examination
What is osteoarticular computed tomography scan (CT scan)?
Arthro-scan computed tomography examination
We offer two types of infiltration: cortisone and viscosupplement.
Digestive radiology
A digestive radiology is an imaging technique that uses an X-ray tube and a video screen to obtain images of the organs in your digestive system. Il also enables the identification of anomalies in real time such as: ulcers, inflammation of the walls, tumours, reflux, hernias and polyps.
The procedure is painless and generally takes 5 to 20 minutes. Imagix offers two types of digestive radiology examinations: esophagus only and swallowing.
Oral-dental radiology
A dental radiology provides several options for viewing the inside and outside of your mouth. It can screen for any lesions and anomalies that cannot be detected by clinical examination.
The Imagix - Radiologie Laënnec clinic offers you the most innovative radiology techniques to meet your needs and those of your dentist.
Lipodensitometry, also called body densitometry, is a medical examination that accurately measures the amount of body fat, in addition to muscle and bone mass distribution. This examination provides very detailed information about body composition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions about medical imaging by visiting our FAQ section.
What is radiology and how does it work?
Radiology (includes X-ray, mammogram, bone density scan, computed tomography, fluoroscopy-guided infiltration, digestive and oral radiology) is a medical imaging technique used mainly for the purposes of examining, identifying and locating. X-rays and ionizing rays allow us to examine various regions of the body and assist in establishing a medical diagnosis. This technique is also used to locate and identify the nature of any foreign bodies.
Radiology for the purpose of examination involves taking X-ray images of certain areas of the body. During the appointment, the patient is asked to place the area to examine on the plate of the X-ray machine. The patient must remain still and hold their breath for a fraction of a second. We can do this examination in our clinics, upon request and without an appointment.
Radiology-related risks
This examination is not without risk, since it uses X-rays and ionizing radiation. Consequently, radiology is not recommended for pregnant women because it can be detrimental to the growth of the fetus. If you are pregnant, it is important to inform the clinic staff.
Our team of specialists in radiology dedicated to your health
Dr Étienne Cardinal
Dr Catherine Bissonnette
Dr Julie Ringuette
Dr David Gianfelice, MDCM.FRCP
Dr Jean-François Rouleau
Dr François Plante
Benoit Gervais
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