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Post-accident Response and Care

Post-accident Response and Care

One of your employees has been injured at work? Our medical team will respond within the hour!

You're not yet a Biron customer and have an emergency? No worries, call us!

Does your company suffer from losses due to work-related injuries?

Cuts, tick bites, burns... at Biron we can offer you rapid, effective and personalized care in the event of a workplace accident.

In more than 40% of workplace accident cases, we'll be able to maintain the intervention at first aid level, and your workplace accident files will be consolidated up to 2 times faster than with the traditional route.

Intervention and post-accident care are an integral part of our Intervention in the workplace service offering.

On average, according to the IRSST, monetary losses associated with a work accident can reach 38 000$ per injury.

Find out more today

Find out more today

Minimize your costs by optimizing the management of your post-accident interventions with Biron Health at work!

Types of workplace accidents covered

Most common accidents

  • Slips and trips
  • Falls
  • Impact with moving vehicles
  • Impact with objects
  • Electrocution
  • Minor cuts

Other types of accident

  • Tick bites
  • Burns
  • Minor illness

How does post-accident intervention work?

Step 2 - Care by nursing staff

Virtual or telephone consultation in less than 1 hour, and back on the job after the first intervention in over 40% of cases.
Step 2 - Care by nursing staff

Step 3 - Diagnosis

Appointment with a doctor within 24 hours if necessary, or temporary assignment for all employees who can perform tasks without compromising their recovery.
Step 3 - Diagnosis

Stage 4 - Post-accident follow-up and support

Accompany employee until full recovery. Prompt care coordination for imaging appointments or other specialties as needed.
Stage 4 - Post-accident follow-up and support

The benefits of our post-accident interventions

Victims receive recommendations for self-care.
Traduction service
Traduction service
Translation services are available in 240 languages and dialects.
CNESST Support
CNESST Support
Our team fills out the CNESST forms properly with you.

Not yet a Biron customer? Don't worry, our post-accident service is also available for any emergency, using an à la carte formula. We also have several programs available to help you manage your work-related accidents and disabilities.

Discover how we help companies like yours

Discover how we help companies like yours

Follow the lead of over 1,000 Quebec companies that already use our services!

A few case studies

Tick bite

1. Situation : Salma is bitten by a tick at work.

2. Issue: This situation is considered a work-related accident by her employer, and he needs support to manage this type of case.

3. Intervention and management by Biron: Salma obtains a medical consultation within 48 hours of the incident. She obtains a personalized prescription for preventive antibiotics and the necessary medical documentation.

4. Results : Salma is able to return to work in good health, and her employer has received the necessary support to declare this work-related accident.

Tick bite

Surprise work stoppage

1. Situation : Simon has suffered an injury at work and, following a visit to the hospital, is placed on sick leave.

After a few days, Simon feels he can still perform certain tasks and wants to return to work.

2. Issue: In the traditional healthcare network, Simon is unable to obtain a consultation quickly for his request to return to work.

3. Intervention and management by Biron : Simon's employer asks for Biron's help, and Biron agrees to see Simon at the clinic the following day and sign his return-to-work ticket.

4. Results: Thanks to Biron's rapid intervention, Simon was able to return to work the next day with a temporary assignment.

Surprise work stoppage

Workplace injury

1. Situation : Fabiola, a construction worker, suffers a shoulder injury on a building site.

2. Problem: In the traditional healthcare network, Fabiola is unable to obtain an appointment for a musculoskeletal infiltration for 3 months.

3. Intervention and management by Biron : Fabiola's employer calls on Biron's post-accident service and Fabiola is able to obtain an appointment for this particular treatment within 4 days of her employer's request.

4. Results: Thanks to Biron's prompt and appropriate care, Fabiola was able to return to work within a week of her infiltration, which would have taken several months with traditional health services.

Workplace injury

If I'm not a Biron customer, can I still use the post-accident service?