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Replacement process

The manufacturer Philips is proceeding to replace the devices affected by the recall it launched on June 14.

The following models has begun being replaced by Philips:

  • All devices affected by the recall


  1. DreamStation 1 devices are being replaced with a DreamStation 2 or a DreamStation 1 featuring new sound-absorbing foam approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  2. Philips determines which devices are replaced with a DreamStation 2 and which ones are replaced with a refurbished DreamStation 1. Biron is not informed of Philips’ decision-making process in this regard.
  3. The devices will be replaced in the order in which they were registered for recall.

The patients concerned will receive a letter inviting them to proceed with the exchange, along with instructions for doing so. 

IMPORTANT: The manufacturer is currently in the process of replacing all device models affected by the recall. If your device is awaiting replacement, please chat with us at or contact our customer service department at 1 833 590-2713.

Important resources

If you have already exchanged your device in our online store, the following information will be helpful:

Fedex return procedure *

*Make sure you have received your replacement device before following the return procedure

DreamStation 1 assembly procedure *

**Applies only if your device will be exchanged for a DreamStation 1