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Insurers and Genetic Testing

In force since May 4, 2017, the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act is designed to prohibit and prevent genetic discrimination. The Act stipulates that no provider of goods or services, including insurers, has the right to require a genetic test, or even to obtain the results of such tests, to determine eligibility or to enter into or continue a contract or agreement (e.g., determine a client’s premiums).

To be clear, this Act is still being challenged by some provinces, including Quebec, who consider it unconstitutional on the grounds that health care is a matter of provincial, not federal, jurisdiction. The Government of Quebec has set up an interdepartmental working group to develop a strategic policy direction on the subject.

We provide services that can help your doctor make a better-informed decision for your medication and dosage.

Order your test online or call Biron Health Group’s customer service at 1-855-943-6379.