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FAQ: Pharmacogenomics for Healthcare Professionals

What is pharmacogenomics (PGx)?

How do I explain the pharmacogenomic test to a patient?

What are the benefits of Biron’s pharmacogenomic test?

Who can benefit from a pharmacogenomic test?

What genes and medications are included in the test?

Does the test examine the patient’s entire genome?

What are the differences between pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic markers?

What additional information can I share with the patient?


How much evidence supports the Biron pharmacogenomic test?

How long are the results valid?

Are the test results guaranteed?

Is the test valid for people from any ethnic background?

What are the limitations of the test?

Does Biron work with pharmaceutical companies?

Why does the report indicate "no marker available" for some medications?


Is the patient’s genetic data secure?

Will you share the patient’s results?

Can an insurance company ask to see a patient’s genetic results?

Does the patient learn about genetic diseases through the pharmacogenomic test?

How the Biron pharmacogenomic test works


How can I refer a patient for the Biron PGx test?

Can the test be purchased at a clinic?

How can patients purchase a test on their own?

Can a patient obtain a kit to take the test at home?

My patient needs assistance registering a kit. Which scenario should I choose when assigning a kit to a patient?

How much does the test cost?

Is the PGx test covered by insurance?

Should the patient stop taking medication before doing the test?

If the patient drinks coffee, can they take the test?

What is the minimum age to take a pharmacogenomic test?

Where can the patient find more information on how to collect the sample at home?

How long does the analysis take?

How will I receive the patient’s results?

How will the patient receive their results?

Can I have guidance in interpreting the report?

I don’t have a return envelope. What should I do?