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Your Questions — 3 minutes

What are the advantages of an at-home blood test?

These days, every minute counts. At-home blood testing helps avoid travel and lost time, while offering the quality and benefits of blood sampling at a service centre.

List of advantages

  • Comme le prélèvement se fait à votre domicile ou à votre lieu de travail, il n’est pas nécessaire de planifier un déplacement vers un point de service. C’est un atout très apprécié des gens pressés, mais aussi des personnes âgées ou à mobilité réduite.
  • Vous n’avez plus à vous soucier des aléas de la météo ou du trafic.
  • Il n’est pas nécessaire non plus de faire un détour chez la gardienne puisque les enfants peuvent rester avec vous à la maison.
Comfortable and reassuring
  • The procedure is performed in the room of your choice at home or at work, and in a comfortable setting, such as a nice armchair.
  • Some people who are more anxious or have a weakened immune system usually find it reassuring to be in a familiar environment where they feel safe.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, talk to our staff and they will do their best to reassure you. Feel free to contact our customer service before your appointment for more details or to voice your concerns. If needed, they will be passed on to our mobile team, who will take them into account during the appointment.
  • The blood sample is taken by a qualified person using the same medical equipment as at the service centre. Our staff bring everything they need (needles, tubes, heating pad, etc.).
  • Our staff observe strict hygiene and sanitary measures, and also clean the area where the blood is taken.
  • After paying the fee directly to our staff, you can request reimbursement for the at-home blood test from your group or private insurer. Most insurance companies cover these fees.
  • If you are entitled to a tax credit for medical expenses or home support for seniors, you can also include the cost of the at-home blood test when calculating your income tax credit.

For professional support, we’re here for you.

We offer sampling services that can help your doctor establish a diagnosis.

Do you have a medical prescription for a blood test? Make an appointment online or call Biron Health Group's customer service at 1 833 590-2712.