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Specialist Advice — 9 minutes

What is bursitis?

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Bursitis is characterized by an inflammation of a synovial bursa. The synovial bursae, which resemble small fluid-filled cushions, are found in joints that are frequently in movement, such as the elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, etc. Their purpose is to protect the bone, absorb direct impacts and facilitate the sliding of skin, tendons, muscles and ligaments without injuring them through friction against the underlying bone.


Bursitis is usually caused by repetitive or unusual movements, which lead to significant irritation of the bursae. A trauma such as a fall or high-speed impact, along with overuse of the extensor or flexor muscles, carrying heavy loads repeatedly and repetitive athletic movements, are also risk factors for developing bursitis.

Several groups are at risk of developing bursitis because of their work or sportings activities. Doing manual or assembly-line work, playing drums, stringed instruments, tennis, golf or baseball, among others, increase the risk of developing bursitis at some point.


People suffering from bursitis feel pain inside or outside the affected joint, which can spread to the forearm and wrist. Some people also notice tenderness in the area. Signs of inflammation may appear, such as redness, heat and swelling. Pain caused by bursitis can significantly limit movement.

Diagnosis and treatment

To diagnose bursitis, the doctor will first do a visual assessment of the affected area. They will ask the patient questions about the pain and may take a sample of the bursa fluid for analysis. To confirm the diagnosis, an X-ray, ultrasound or MRI may be performed. If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment usually consists of a cortisone injection under fluoroscopy.

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We provide services that can help your doctor diagnose musculoskeletal disorders and determine the right treatment. 

Do you have a medical prescription for one of these exams? Book an appointment online or contact Biron Health Group’s customer service at 1 833 590-2714. 

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