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Working at Biron

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Career Biron

Technologue autonome en échographie - Clarté nucale
Imagix - Clinique Laënnec

Permanent - Sur disponibilités!

Votre mandat

La fonction principale du Technologue autonome en échographie clarté nucale est d'effectuer des examens échographiques à l’aide d’un appareil d’échographie 3D/4D. Sur la base d’une ordonnance, il effectue une investigation complète non invasive, selon la condition du patient et du contexte de réalisation, afin de recueillir des observations et des images de grande qualité grâce auxquelles les radiologues pourront établir un diagnostic. Il doit s’assurer du confort et de la sécurité des patients pendant les examens ; tout en regardant les images sur l’écran et faire les ajustements requis.

Les rôles et responsabilités

  • Organiser le travail en fonction du programme de la journée et préparer l’équipement et le matériel nécessaire à l’examen;
  • Établir une relation de confiance avec le patient en s’identifiant auprès de lui et en lui fournissant les explications nécessaires au bon déroulement de l’examen;
  • S’assurer que les documents, questionnaires ou formulaires de consentement à remplir par le patient sont complétés et que le patient est bien préparé, s’il y a lieu;
  • Analyser l’ordonnance d’examen radiologique, évaluer la pertinence de l’examen demandé et, au besoin, consulter un radiologue;
  • Installer et positionner le patient afin d’optimiser la qualité des images radiologiques tout en assurant le confort de ce dernier;
  • Appliquer les mesures de radioprotection et fournir le matériel de protection nécessaire à la clientèle et au personnel exposé à un rayonnement ionisant;
  • Manipuler les différents appareils d’imagerie médicale ainsi que le matériel nécessaire à l’examen;
  • Effectuer l’examen radiologique prescrit en sélectionnant les paramètres techniques adéquats et en respectant les protocoles recommandés dans les fichiers techniques;
  • Surveiller l’état du patient et apporter les soins nécessaires à son confort et sa sécurité;
  • Évaluer la qualité des images effectuées, en s’assurant qu’elles sont conformes aux critères de qualité exigés par les radiologues, et ce, avant le départ du patient et traiter les images au besoin;
  • Informer le patient des recommandations et des consignes appropriées suite à l’examen;
  • Archiver les images et consigner les données et les observations au dossier radiologique du patient;
  • Disposer adéquatement du matériel souillé ou contaminé;
  • S’assurer de respecter les exigences requises par son Ordre professionnel tant au niveau de la formation que des pratiques professionnelles.

Lieu et horaire de travail

  • Poste permanent, sur disponibilités;
  • Lieux de travail :
    • Clinique Imagix Laënnec — 1100 Avenue Beaumont Bureau 104, Mont-Royal, QC H3P 3H5
  • Horaire de travail variable:
    • Variable en fonction de vos disponibilités
  • L’horaire peut varier selon les besoins opérationnels.


 Le profil recherché

  • Détenir un DEC en Technologie de radiodiagnostic;
  • Être membre en règle de l’Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie du Québec (OTIMROEPMQ);
  • Attestation obtenue afin d’effectuer la pratique autonome en échographie (obligatoire) ;
  • Formation et expérience en échographie générale ;
  • Formation et expérience en échographie clarté nucale ;
  • Bilinguisme (français – anglais);
  • Avoir la maîtrise de soi, être polyvalent et avoir un esprit d’équipe;
  • Faire preuve d'autonomie et maîtriser la résolution de problèmes;
  • Savoir gérer son temps.

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Featured positions

Radiological technologist
Working at Biron

At Biron, our primary focus is on health. We welcome your ideas and realize that your contribution to the company’s many projects is essential for us to reach our common goals.

Significant benefits

Corporate discounts

Because we are a real community, our employees can take advantage of many company benefits, including access to Biron's services.

Employer-sponsored pension plan

We support our employees’ retirement planning and early retirement wishes (subject to eligibility rules).

Activities and leisure

We offer a number of other initiatives, including: sports activities in our fitness room, BBQ days using our food trucks, and a running club. We care about our employees’ happiness and work hard every day to create a positive work environment.

Fitness Reimbursement Program

Health also means the health of our employees; we support their efforts to stay healthy by making an annual contribution to their fitness.

Fitness Reimbursement Program

Referral bonuses

We respect our employees’ judgement so we reward them for recommending people to join our network.

Quality of life

A stimulating work environment

Use your creativity and medical expertise to tackle the many challenges you will face.


We are committed to helping you stay efficient, even when you have a child care problem or your little one is sick. Where possible and appropriate, we encourage our employees to telework in order to maximize their productivity.


Common area

The B52 café provides a friendly work space where employees can grab a fresh meal or a strong espresso anytime.

Common area

Flexible schedule

Aware that people can have different needs, we encourage our employees to align their work schedule with that of their family.

Continuing education

Working in the healthcare field means providing ethical and accurate advice; we encourage our employees to get training in all our areas of expertise.

Come and read the presentation and notices from Biron Groupe Santé on the Glassdoor website.

High-tech equipment

We make a point of investing in our network so that our health experts always have the latest high-tech equipment at their disposal.

High-tech equipment

Employees Testimonials

I chose Imagix because I wanted to find the perfect balance between my working life and private life. No night shifts here! This company has allowed me to broaden my area of expertise by encouraging me to take additional training. The different techniques make each day unique. I care about advancing my career, and Imagix is there to support me.
Véronique Gosselin
Medical technologist
Working for Biron is a privilege. It's a company that has good values (empathy, respect, excellence, innovation, integrity) and puts them into practice. Biron allows me to feel fulfilled as an employee by considering my potential, and as a mother by allowing me to balance work and family.
Jacinthe Simard
Supervisor, Transport and Warehouse
I've been a very proud Biron employee since 1999. It's an excellent family business that has grown while maintaining its solid values such as team spirit, passion, sharing and work-life balance.
Josee Thifault
Coordinator of Commercial Activities
At Biron, we all work toward the common goal of satisfying the patient by delivering fast, quality results. It's very rewarding and informative working with competent people who are recognized as being among the best in the industry. The sense of family and general values of the company are at the heart of all interactions. We feel that we're an integral part of the Biron family due to the trust and recognition that managers show their employees.
Isabelle Raymond
Customer Experience Coordinator
Can someone actually be happy at work? The answer is yes! The secret is feeling fulfilled; working at Biron has allowed me to feel this way every day for the past 14 years. Being part of a team that's recognized for its excellence also increases my happiness at work.
Renee Lepage
Internal Sales Representative
Working at Biron means having the necessary freedom to use our clinical judgment and gain self-confidence. It means having the opportunity to take part in innovation within the company. Our opinion is always taken into account when problems arise and we are encouraged to propose solutions.
Isabelle Mercier Gagnon
Auxiliary nurse, flying team
It's very motivating to work for a company that's constantly evolving and that appreciates the experience I've acquired over the years. I'm proud to be a part of it!
Céline Côté
In addition to being a Quebec family business, Biron provides attractive employee benefits, which are two important aspects for me. And that's not to mention the genuine pleasure of working with a dynamic, dedicated team that's committed to providing "our" clients with a professional, fast and personalized experience.
Mélanie Leblond
Senior receptionist
As soon as I finished my studies, I knew that I wanted to work in the private sector. Why? Because I wanted to be in a work environment where my skills would be recognized for their true value, where the well-being of employees, work-life balance, continung education, opportunities for advancement, technological innovation and avant-gardism are an integral part of the work experience every day. Biron is all that and more. It's worth seeing for yourself!
Marie-France Fortier
Medical technologist
At Biron, I was able to acquire a wealth of knowledge that allowed me to develop new skills. Over time, I was entrusted with a number of projects and the training of my colleagues, signs that my work was being recognized. I believe that Biron has always recognized my value and offered me opportunities that allow me to realize my full potential.
Mélissa Beaudoin
Coach Customer Service